Tonight I made Tempeh and Sweet Potato Sheperd's Pie (page 304). This recipe also uses the Mushroom Sauce from page 546.
I was in the mood for some comfort food today. And I love both tempeh and sweet potatoes so I thought this would be a good recipe to try. This was a relatively easy recipe to make but it was time consuming. it took about two hours start to finish. I made the mushroom sauce while the tempeh was steaming and combined several steps.
This recipe is a variation of Sheperd's Pie with mashed sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes. I like the way the tempeh mixes with the flavor of the mushroom sauce and is then balanced by the sweetness of the sweet potatoes.The author suggests using veggie burgers or veggie crumbles as a substitute for the tempeh. If I was going to make this for my boyfriend I would do this; it would be more omni friendly.It would also cut down on the time by about half an hour.
I had this again for lunch, heated in the microwave with leftover mushroom sauce on top and it is so delicious the next day. All the flavors have blended together and the sauce on top adds nice flavor and moisture. If I make this again I would keep it overnight and serve reheated with extra sauce.
Ohh, this looks delicious! I think I'm going to bookmark this recipe for a weekend meal.