I positively detest green beans. In fact, the very mention in a recipe is usually enough to make my stomach turn. I have NEVER liked them, even when I was a baby I would spit out any food with green beans in it. Finally, around age 16, my mom gave up and stopped making me eat them. Hallelujah, sweet respite from the evil green devils!
However, there is one BIG exception -- I LOVE green bean casserole. I don't care if it's made with dented bottom-shelf cans of store-brand slimy green travesties, I will inhale the stuff. When I went vegan, I was worried that green bean casserole was a thing of the past. Thankfully through the last couple of years, I've found {and created} several awesome green bean casseroles, even better than the "dump a bunch of cans together" kind that I had in my pregan days.
With my love of the stuff, it was only a matter of time until Green Bean Casserole Redux {page 370} graced my glass baking dish.
Overall this was a very good rendition of the casserole. It uses fresh green beans and fresh mushrooms, which I appreciated. The gravy was a little thin, so the cornstarch thickener needed to be doubled, but that could just be a matter of personal preference. Once in the 9x13" pan, the layer of casserole was pretty thin too, leading me to think that perhaps it would be just fine baked in a 9x9" instead.
The casserole was delicious, although definitely needed a little more flavor. I think next time I'd add some seasonings to the gravy to perk it up a bit. The Supertoddler looooved it, but picked all of the french fried onions off and ate only the green beans underneath -- weirdo!
Overall, it is a good, solid green bean casserole. Definitely worthy of your celebratory dinner table.
-- Your Friendly Neighborhood Batgirl
Dammit. I already planned for spinach on thanksgiving... now I am having regrets. This might be the recipe/picture that puts me over the edge to buy this book.