In our house, Indian food is a staple. The Supertoddler's first "real people" food was channa masala. He never liked baby food, and would always refuse it or spit it out. One day when he was about 11 months old, he was sitting on my lap as I was eating some leftover channa masala. He was making indications that he wanted it {such as grunting, screaming, and grabbing for it}, so out of frustration I gave him a small bite. He loved it and devoured it. To this day, it is by far his favorite cuisine. Just yesterday we were at our favorite Indian food restaurant, and he ate me under the table. He has an astonishing capacity for the stuff.
It was with him in mind that I made Spicy Indian Cauliflower {page 363}. It was easy and absolutely delicious. Unfortunately, the Supertoddler was in the middle of a typical two-year-old tantrum, and refused to eat it {or anything}. I'm sure had he tried it, he would have loved it.
It was very well flavored, and quite spicy. I used half the amount of cayenne it called for, as I had two of my little sisters {the Wondersisters} visiting, and they can't handle a ton of heat. The Wondersisters still found it a little spicy for their liking, but they both had seconds, so I think that's a positive sign.
Overall, this was a quick, healthy, and delicious side dish. I will definitely be making this again.
-- Your Friendly Neighborhood Batgirl
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