Monday, November 9, 2009

Back-to-Basics Hummus

Seeing as I'm from Transylvania, it should come as no surprise that I love me some garlic. Not “like”—love. All of you out there thinking you've got a love affair with garlic, you've got nothing on this.

So I'm preparing a dinner party for myself and four other Transylvanians. Hummus sounds like a natural component. Back in the Old Country we've got this dish called fasole frecată—a bean puree of sorts. Pretty much hummus but with a different white bean. Now I've made hummus before, and often, but I decided to try this version. Boy, is my garlic-loving heart glad I did. The Back-to-Basics Hummus (page 10) is as garlicky as you could ever hope (if you go with 4 big cloves). It's got a fantastic bite—pun intended. Unlike other hummuses—hummi(?) I've made, the only liquid is a tad of lemon juice and the tahini-to-olive oil ratio is inverted: ¼ cup tahini for 2 Tbsp olive oil. Because of the amount of tahini (sesame paste) in there, the result is incredibly creamy joy.

Dare I say this is the best hummus I've ever enjoyed? I dare! The other Transylvanians heartily agree. We best not call uncle Vlad Dracul up, though—this amount of garlic breath would kill him over the phone.

Everyone who likes themselves some chickpea puree has their own favorite recipe—this is now mine. Four garlic cloves, go! (But if you like it less garlicky and still long for that special tahini-imparted creaminess, use three cloves, or two. Or, heavens forbid, one. Anyway, make it.)

- - Ulpia, a.k.a. "kiss of death" in vampiric circles - -


  1. So funny -- I was just talking to my mom about her insistence that hummus should not contain garlic. Gasp! I know! She can't cite her sources (perhaps only because her Armenian mom did not use garlic), so more garlic for the rest of us!


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