Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cran-Apple Muffins

Cran-Apple Muffins

Really, what's to be said about Cran-Apple Muffins ( p410)? They're apple-y muffins with cranberries. What could go wrong? As expected, nothing. Just follow the directions, and in a few short minutes you've got baked goodies in the oven. A dash of extra cinnamon imparts just the right amount of deliciousness. Don't overmix, set your timer, and the next thing you know you've got just-the-right-size flavor-filled muffins ready to enjoy.

They made a proper dozen, which I had intended to serve as quick breakfast grabs for the week. But by some strange Halloweeny mystery, I made them on Saturday and by Sunday evening there were two and a half left. Goblins, I suppose.

--The Divine Miss V


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